The game has a nice interface that is clear and easy to read. It has a beautiful menu screen that shows the characters and options for the game.
I liked having some choice when it comes to the main characters look.
The dialogue was very engaging and informative especially when it comes to the character Deka. I love the detail and care on the characters they are beautiful and colorful.
Nikolai Cailean Deka
I like the vast differences in the love interestes personalities. You have Nikolai who basically tells you your going out with him, Cailean who is shy and kind and Deka who doesn't speak and writes down what he wants to say. I'm curious what personalites future characters will have.
This game is still in development but I have high hopes for future updates and the direction the story is going in. I really enjoyed playing what is available so far and in my opinion it is highly worth playing and if you can afford it donate to the developers who have put so much work into this game.